Sunday 22 March 2015

My Blogging Hiatus

Hello guys!!

This is just a quick post apologising and explaining my lack of posts of late. 

I am both fortunate and unfortunate enough to be in the position where I blog for fun only. Obviously it is not my job, I have not monetised my blog and I do not have a gazillion readers begging me to post and so as life has got in the way of things lately, fitting time in to Write, Photograph, Post, Promote, Repeat has been tricky. 
It's my last year of Sixth Form/ "High School" so I'm trying my hardest to focus and dedicate myself to getting the grades I need to get into my first choice university which is not proving to be easy- (don't do Chemistry at A-level kids, unless you really have to, it will destroy you). What with my terribly time-consuming YouTube addiction, working part time, reading and keeping up with the ridiculous amounts of TV shows I watch, and believe me I am trying to minimise time spent on all of these, squeezing blogging into the mix is another distraction/guilty pleasure that I do not have time for. (I'm lucky in the sense that I'm not distracted by a social life because I don't have one, gold star for me. Ha ha ha.)

Honestly, I really need to organise and sort my life out and in the mean time that means you will not be seeing frequent posts on my blog until after June 18th when I am free from education for four WHOLE months, such a marvelous prospect! I still love blogging and I'm very excited to finally get some of the ideas I have in my head written and posted :)

I am rambling on as usual so will end the post here. Sidenote:I've noticed that my sentences are really long. What can I say, I'm a talker. 

I apologise for neglecting my blog but if you would like to be notified when I do post again follow me on Bloglovin' and to keep up with my daily musing in the mean time, follow me on Twitter :)

Ciao for now!
Olivia xo

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